
Introduction to Web Development Using Python (Flask)

This is an Introduction video to a video series on a fully functional Blogging Website development using Python in Hindi

What We Will Cover In This Course?


  • Python Basics
  • Flask Introduction
  • Dynamic HTML Pages using Flask
  • Jinja Templating Engine
  • Setting up Environment Variables
  • Bootstrap CSS Framework


  • Database Integration
    • SQLite
    • PostgreSQL
  • CRUD Operations in DB
    • Create
    • Read
    • Update
    • Delete

Advanced Topics

  • AJAX
  • Users & Roles Management for App Access
  • Code Structure Optimization
  • Public & Restricted Pages
  • Handling Forms & Form Validations
  • Flash Messages
  • Blog Lifecycle Management
    • Create Blog
    • Read Blog
    • Update Blog
    • Delete Blog
  • Search Blogs
  • Pagination

Configuration & Deployment

  • Logging & Monitoring
  • Dev Environment Automation
  • Flask Best Practices
  • Free Deployment to

Model View Controller Architecture

MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a software design pattern that separates an application’s data, user interface, and control logic into three interconnected components, promoting modularity, maintainability, and scalability.

Advantages of MVC Architecture

  • Faster Development: Allows parallel work on different components by multiple developers.
  • Organized Code: Separates application logic, making it easier to manage large applications.
  • Easy Maintenance: Changes in one component do not affect others, simplifying updates.
  • Improved Testing: Facilitates unit testing by isolating components.
  • Scalability: Components can be reused across different applications.
  • SEO-Friendly: Supports the development of SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Asynchronous Support: Works well with JavaScript, enabling faster loading applications.

Disadvantages of MVC Architecture

  • Increased Complexity: More files and components can make maintenance challenging.
  • Steep Learning Curve: Requires a good understanding of the architecture and its components.
  • Limited UI Control: Less flexibility in customizing the user interface.
  • Potential Performance Issues: Poorly written code can lead to slow application performance.
  • Strict Method Rules: Requires strict adherence to method definitions, which can be limiting.

Videos In This Course

Watch on YouTube Getting Started with Flask
Watch on YouTube How to Use Poetry and HTML Templates in Flask
Watch on YouTube How to Pass Python Variables in HTML Template using Jinja2
Watch on YouTube Customizing an HTML Template and Learn Template Inheritance in Flask
Watch on YouTube Further Customize an HTML Template and Dynamic Path in Flask
Watch on YouTube Connect to Database using Flask Sqlalchemy
Watch on YouTube Interact with Database in Flask
Watch on YouTube Delete Entries From Database Using Python SQLAlchemy
Watch on YouTube Create HTML Forms in Flask
Watch on YouTube Edit Blog in Flask
Watch on YouTube Fix Navigation Bar - Highlight Current Page Link
Watch on YouTube Create Profiles Table in Flask Using SQLAlchemy
Watch on YouTube User Login Functionality in Flask
Watch on YouTube Login and Logout User in Flask
Watch on YouTube Flask Login Required for Restricted Pages
Watch on YouTube Manage Blogs Using Flask
Watch on YouTube Notifications in Flask (Sweet Alerts JS)
Watch on YouTube Pagination in Flask SQLAlchemy
Watch on YouTube Search Feature in Flask Blogging Website
Watch on YouTube Deploy Flask App to Railway and PostgreSQL
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